Tortilla Guacamole Cones

What would you do with a bag of tortillas? Think ice cream cones - but better. Guacamole cones are the tastiest way to enjoy your favourite guac - and our Sonora tortillas are the perfect place to start!


Cut avocados in half and remove pit. Scoop out the inside of the avocado into a bowl and then add the lime juice and your seasonings. Cover and refrigerate for about a 1/2 hour.


Pre heat oven to 350 degrees F. Stack the tortillas up and then cup them in half. In a bowl add the oil and chili powder. Roll each tortilla half into a cone shape and then insert a toothpick to keep it together. Then brush the cone with the oil and chili powder mixture. Place the cones on a lined baking sheet (or stand up in a cone baking pan if you have one). Bake the cones for approximately 9 minutes and then when they are lightly brown stand them upside down and continue to bake for another 5 minutes. When golden brown remove from oven and let sit for a minute before removing the toothpick.


Line up the cooled cones and put a small amount of tomatoes into the bottom of the cone, then put a small scoop of your guacamole and garnish with some more tomatoes. Serve and enjoy.